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[eBook] Learn Arabic - Level 5: Advanced, Volume 2

On sale USD $9.99
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Part Number:arabic_level5_book-2

*Audio included inside!

Listen to audio lessons, while you read along! Buy or sample now!

Interactive. Effective. And FUN!

Start speaking Arabic in minutes, and learn key vocabulary, phrases, and grammar in just minutes more with Learn Arabic - Level 5: Advanced - a completely new way to learn Arabic with ease! Learn Arabic - Level 5: Advanced will arm you with Arabic and cultural insight to utterly shock and amaze your Egyptian friends and family, teachers, and colleagues.

What you get in Learn Arabic - Level 5: Advanced:

- 25 Audio Lesson Tracks in Arabic - 25 Arabic Lesson Notes: monologue transcripts with translation, vocabulary and sample sentences

This book is the most powerful way to learn Arabic. Guaranteed.

You get the two most powerful components of our language learning system: the audio lessons and lesson notes.

Why are the audio lessons so effective?

- powerful and to the point

- repeat after the professional teacher to practice proper pronunciation

- cultural insight and insider-only tips from our teachers in each lesson

- fun and relaxed approach to learning

- effortlessly learn from bi-lingual and bi-cultural hosts as they guide you through the pitfalls and pleasures of Egypt and Arabic.

Why are the lesson notes so effective?

- improve listening comprehension and reading comprehension by reading the dialog transcript while listening to the conversation

- grasp the exact meaning of phrases and expressions with natural translations

- expand your word and phrase usage with the expansion section

Discover or rediscover how fun learning a language can be with the future of language learning, and start speaking Arabic instantly!

Requirements: iOS device with iBooks 1.3.1 or later and iOS 4.3.3 or later, or a Mac with iBooks 1.0 or later, PC or Android device with .ePub Reader software, as Fviewer for example.

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