Want to speak fluent German with confidence?
Fact: The more German words you know, the better you can speak.
But there is a right and wrong way to learn German words.
The wrong way? Trying to learn every single word, including rarely used words. Many beginners waste months doing this and never get around to speaking.
The right way? Focusing on a special set of words, or "core words."
And that's where our 2000 Core Words and Phrases Book comes in.
2000 Core Words and Phrases teaches you the 2,000 most frequently used words and phrases in daily conversations, also known as Core Words. According to experts, you need to know 1,500 words for conversational fluency, and with this book, you get MORE than enough to achieve it in one place.
All you have to do is read through it for a few minutes a day.
You'll learn words in the order best suited for beginners, rather than random words like "economics" and "xylophone."
You'll understand how to use the words and phrases naturally, thanks to the sample sentences provided.
You'll be able to use these practical words in conversations... and speak more German!
With 2000 Core Words and Phrases, you get:
- 2,000 core words and phrases sorted by frequency of use.
- Example sentences for each word.
- 10+ chapters and 190+ pages in total.
Chapters include:
- How to Say "Hello," "Thank You," and More!
- How to Say "Left," "Right," and More!
- How to Say "Inch," "Kilogram," and More!
- How to Say "Sweater," "Jeans," and More!
Requirements: iOS device with iBooks 1.3.1 or later and iOS 4.3.3 or later, or a Mac with iBooks 1.0 or later, PC or Android device with .ePub Reader software, as Fviewer for example.